“Veterans Day is the opportunity to put our shared love of country first and come together to honor the selfless service of those brave men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect and defend our freedoms and our sacred American way of life. 


“Our veterans have defended our democracy and homeland for centuries, and we owe them all an enormous debt of gratitude for their extraordinary sacrifices and recognition for their service.


“That is why I have introduced the Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act, legislation that would recognize the American ingenuity and bravery of the Ghost Army, a classified World War II unit that conducted deception operations in Europe yet has not received official recognition for their distinguished and unique service. It is time the Ghost Army’s heroics come out of the shadows and we honor them with the light that gleams from the Congressional Gold Medal.


“I have and will continue to advocate for all of our veterans, whether they have earned recognition for their extraordinary bravery on behalf of our great country or better access to health care and job opportunities. Our veterans served us without regard to personal gain or safety, and it is our turn to serve them.


“Let Veterans Day remind us of our need to come together to honor our veterans, not just on this one day, but every day.”  
