Washington (November 10, 2021) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement commemorating Veterans Day tomorrow.
Like so many in our country, the COVID-19 pandemic has left our veterans especially vulnerable to a devastating health crisis, economic uncertainty, and housing insecurity. This Veterans Day, we must not only recommit to honoring those who have served and sacrificed, but dedicate ourselves to investing in programs and services that guarantee our veterans are equipped with the resources, support, and protections they’ve earned. We must work to ensure our Soldiers Homes – like those in Chelsea and Holyoke, and our VA hospitals in Bedford and Jamaica Plain are safe, secure, and held to account. We must provide accessible mental health resources and substance misuse treatment and recovery for those suffering from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or traumatic brain injury. We must extend our national eviction moratorium and increase home heating assistance as we enter the cold winter months. It is Congress’ responsibility to continue to fight for our service members’ access to care and opportunity, just as they have fought for our freedom. Today, and every day, I am forever grateful to our nation’s veterans for their courage and proud service to our nation.”