Washington, DC – Today the rumored recall of John Evans, Ambassador to Armenia, was indirectly confirmed by the White House when it asked the U.S. Senate to consider his replacement.  Earlier this week, sixty members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice expressing concern that U.S. Ambassador John Evans would be departing early this summer from his assignment as a result of a statement he made in February 2005 declaring that “the Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the twentieth century.” 

Rep. Markey, a leading voice on Armenian issues made the following statement today:

“I am seriously concerned at the early departure of Ambassador Evans.  I hope that this sudden action by the State Department is not related to comments made by Ambassador Evans about the Armenian genocide.  60 members of Congress have signed on to a letter to Secretary Rice asking questions about whether or not Ambassador Evans was forced out of his post.  I look forward to a response from the State Department.”

For a copy of the letter please see below or check out Rep. Markey’s website: http//markey.house.gov

Markey Letter to Secretary Rice regarding Ambassador Evans.pdf Markey Letter to Secretary Rice regarding Ambassador Evans.pdf (360.13 KB), May 24, 2006

For Immediate Release
May 24, 2006

CONTACT: Tara McGuinness
Morgan Gray