WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce and Resources Committees, released the following statement on press reports that the Dept. of Interior Inspector General found an “anything goes” mentality among Dept. of Interior oil and gas leasing division.  Markey is the lead author of a measure that would force oil companies to pay royalties on new and old leases with the government.  Markey will also be delivering an opening statement at tomorrow’s hearing in the Government Reform Committee on oil royalties.

"The Interior Department's Inspector General has rightly criticized the 'anything goes' attitude that appears to have been in place over at the Department's oil and gas leasing operations.  It is time to bring an end to the giveaway of 'royalty free' drilling rights to huge, highly profitable oil and gas companies.  Earlier this year, the House passed an amendment that Rep. Hinchey and I offered to the Interior Appropriations bill to force the renegotiation of existing oil and gas leases that fail to include price thresholds that cut off so-called 'royalty relief' when prices are high.  The Bush Administration and the oil companies have been fighting our amendment, and the IG report sheds light on why -- they don't want to bring an end to the government giveaways of public assets to private oil and gas companies.  Turning a blind eye to corporate accountability comes very easily to and agency riddled with individuals who were plucked from the private sector for the explicit purpose of loosening up federal oversight of our public lands."

(ABC News got an early copy of the Dept. of Interior I.G. testimony and a link to their story can be found here).

September 13, 2006

CONTACT: Israel Klein