WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee released the following statement on the terrible accident at a Raleigh, North Carolina hazardous waste facility that has resulted in the mass evacuation of 17000 people to escape a chlorine gas cloud:

“The alarming situation in North Carolina highlights the potential danger associated with chemical facilities around the country.  This past summer, the Homeland Security Committee passed a bipartisan chemical security bill that included provisions I authored that require facilities to switch to less toxic materials or processes when possible.  Taking these common-sense steps would greatly reduce the consequences of an accident or terrorist attack at many chemical facilities.  Unfortunately, rather than bringing the bill to the Floor for a vote, Republicans huddled behind closed doors and accepted inadequate provisions demanded by the industry to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill that make Americans less safe.  The Republican Congress exempted thousands of facilities from even being looked at by the Department of Homeland Security and prevent DHS from ordering any specific security measures at ANY facility."

October 6, 2006

CONTACT: Israel Klein