WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA, the senior member of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, released a statement on the decision by the Massachusetts Attorney General to pursue a lawsuit against the companies that worked on the Big Dig.  Rep. Markey will be briefed by MA Attorney General Tom Reilly on Wednesday.

“The Commonwealth owes the Del Valle family a complete and full accounting for their tragic loss, and I commend Tom Reilly for pursuing this issue.  The safety of the driving public, the extent of the negligence, the appropriate recovery of misspent tax dollars, and the assessment of damages, all require a full legal accounting of this disaster in addition to the ‘stem to stern’ analysis initiated by the governor.  For the families who begin or end their holidays driving through the Ted Williams tunnel, this action demonstrates that no stone will be left unturned to identify and correct any defects that could in any way represent a future safety issue.”

November 27, 2006

CONTACT: Israel Klein