WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet this morning convened a hearing to discuss draft legislation on enhancing access to broadband technology and services for persons with disabilities.   
Rep. Markey is joined in this picture (L-R) by Mr. Ken Nakata, Director of Disability Initiatives at BayFirst Solutions L.L.C., Sergeant Major Jesse Acosta, Mr. Larry Goldberg, Director of Media Access at WGBH-Boston, Mr. Russell Harvard, Actor, Mr. Jamaal Anderson, Atlanta Falcons Professional Football Player, and Mr. Dane Snowden, VP of CTIA-The Wireless Association.
As Internet-based communications and associated technologies become more and more integral to the everyday lives of Americans, this draft legislation would help ensure that persons with disabilities are not left out of this technological revolution and have meaningful access to the next generation of communications technology.
A copy of the Chairman’s opening statement is available HERE
  A copy of the Chairman's draft legislation is available HERE