Washington, D.C. - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey and Congressman Richard Neal today announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded Adams Fire Department an $809,524 grant through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. The funding will be used to replace the department's 1987 aerial ladder truck.

"Our firefighters work tirelessly to keep our families safe, and it's up to us to make sure they have the equipment they need to do their jobs safely and effectively," Senator Warren said. "Chief Goyette and the Adams Fire Department deserve credit for their efforts to get this grant and for their work protecting the community day in and day out."

"Thanks to this important funding, the Adams Fire Department will be able to reach even higher in their efforts to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies," Senator Markey said. "These first responders are on the front lines everyday, and we need to make sure they have the tools they need to do their jobs as best they can. I commend Chief Goyette and the entire Adams Fire Department for their efforts securing this funding that will help keep our neighborhoods safe and more secure."

"The brave men and women of the Adams Fire Department put their lives at risk each day keeping their town safe. That is why I believe they deserve the resources necessary to do their jobs professionally and effectively. This federal grant will help them purchase a new ladder truck which will continue to keep the community safe from fire hazards. It's great news for the Town of Adams," said Congressman Richard E. Neal.

"The Adams Fire Department is thrilled that we have received this amazing grant award,"Adams Fire Department Chief Paul J. Goyette said. "The upgrade to our fleet, will allow us to continue to provide protection of life and property in the Town of Adams."

The AFG program is administered by FEMA to ensure that local fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations have the resources and equipment they need to protect communities and emergency personnel from fires and other related hazards. More information on the AFG program is available here.
