Washington, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement:

President Obama today laid out a sound framework for reducing America’s deficit while also affirming his commitment to protect Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security now and into the future. I applaud the President for his leadership.

“In contrast, the Republican budget would be a disaster for seniors and impoverished Americans who rely on Medicare and Medicaid. The Republican budget would eliminate the assistance seniors rely on to pay for the medicines they need. G.O.P. used to stand for ‘Grand Old Party’.  Now it stands for ‘Grandma’s Out of Prescriptions’.

“We must engage in a serious and realistic debate on how to cut our nation’s debt, but the budget proposal put forward by House Republicans is nothing more than a replay of their decades-old failed economic policies - it’s ‘Play it Again, Uncle Sam’.

“Deficit reduction must be a priority as we continue to rebuild our economy, but it makes no sense to continue tax breaks for the wealthy and subsidies for oil barons while obliterating the programs that millions of the neediest Americans depend on. I will oppose the Republican effort to abolish these programs and continue to fight for the end of tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires who don’t need them.”
