41-32-36.55N, 70-14-24.92W, 41-27-37.39N, 70-23-48.35W – With the announcement that the Department of Interior has approved the final operation and construction plan for the Cape Wind offshore energy facility, Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Malden), the Dean of the Massachusetts delegation and the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over offshore wind energy, issued the following statement:
"The journey towards the thousands of megawatts of wind energy available off our Atlantic shores had to begin with these steps, led as always by Massachusetts innovation and vision. Now that the process is complete, let’s get this wind project built, and keep this American clean energy momentum pushing us ahead like a down east breeze.
"Instead of speeding up the permits for the offshore oil industry, the Interior Department should continue their path to quicken the development of wind energy off our nation’s shores, especially in the Atlantic."


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