WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Today, Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski and Sprint CEO Dan Hesse attended the first ever Capitol Clean Tech EXPO in the Rayburn House Office Building.

The Clean Tech EXPO, sponsored by Clean Economy Network and CTIA, the Wireless Association, in conjunction with Rep. Markey featured several leading technology companies and cutting edge start-ups who demonstrated the latest in green IT, smart grid technology and energy-saving consumer electronics.

With the clean energy technologies I have seen today, it is clear that we are on our way to moving from iPhones to 'iHomes,' helping to create a new economy and a healthier planet that will be sustainable, profitable and remarkable,” said Markey. 



















Rep. Markey at the expo along with Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski and Sprint CEO Dan Hesse.





















Rep. Markey introduces Chairman Genachowski at the expo