Markey’s Energy Bill Includes Provisions Promoting Electric Vehicles

Washington, D.C. (April 2, 2009) -
 Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Malden) today cheered the deal between Watertown-based A123 Systems and Chrysler to provide the American automaker with the next generation of hybrid batteries. Last week Rep. Markey, who chairs key energy panels in Congress, released a draft of energy legislation that includes several provisions aimed at increasing America’s production of advanced electric and hybrid vehicles. Rep. Markey also fought to include $2 billion in the recent economic recovery package for advanced automotive technology like A123’s hybrid batteries.

“This deal is yet another sign that the way to economic recovery is in creating clean energy jobs,” said Rep. Markey. “A123 and other companies are plugging into a clean energy future that will revive our sagging automotive industry and create jobs here in America that can’t be shipped overseas.”

Rep. Markey’s legislation includes programs that support large-scale demonstrations of electric vehicles in cities, states, or by private companies. It also provides support to automotive companies here in the United States to retool their plants to build electric vehicles.

A123 is located in Watertown, MA, in Rep. Markey’s 7th district. The CEO of the company appeared before Rep. Markey’s Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming in 2007  in the first-ever Congressional hearing on plug-in hybrid vehicles.


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