April 8, 2011: Today’s GOP Agenda - First Shut Down the Internet Then Shut Down the Government 
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member and former chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications, Technology and the Internet Subcommittee and author of the first ever net neutrality bill in Congress, today issued the following statement after speaking on the House Floor in opposition to H.J.Res.37, the resolution disapproving the Open Internet rule promulgated last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
Today, Republicans first want to shut down the Internet, then they want to shut down the government. On the same day they are pushing the federal government to the brink of closure over divisive social policy, Republicans also are trying to undercut one of the strongest sectors of our economy by repealing the FCC’s Open Internet order.
The Open Internet rule is a commonsense approach to preserving the most successful commercial and communications medium in world history.  Without this rule, Broadband Behemoths could try to erect fast and slow lanes online, favor their own content over that of others, block access to lawful websites or take other anti-competitive, anti-consumer actions that undermine the Internet’s free and open nature. This would be a disaster for the next generation of innovators who need the unfettered, open Internet to grow and thrive online. This would be a disaster for consumers who rely on the Internet’s level playing field to get their voices heard, pursue educational opportunities and access entertainment. This would be a disaster for investment and the economic engine that has created millions of jobs over the past 15 years.” 
Video of Rep. Markey’s floor statement can be found HERE .