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“The Ed Markey Podcast” Episode 10 (TRAILER)

photo sara

Senator Markey hosts Sara Nelson on his podcast

Washington (April 12, 2024) - Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today released his tenth episode of the “The Ed Markey Podcast,” featuring Sara Nelson, President of the Association Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO. The two discussed the risks that climate change poses to workers, how the Green New Deal can deliver good-paying, union jobs, and the importance of organizing and movement building for environmental justice and climate action.

“My father was the Vice President of a union up in Boston—U.E. And it's 1944, and here's the President's State of the Union address and he's saying, ‘actually, you know, when the war is over, we are going to need a strategy in order to deal with all these returning veterans and for every family in our country,’” said Senator Markey. “And Senator Joe McCarthy, he thought the U.E. was a kind of a communist union and they were trying to undermine the country. But in fact, all they were doing was expressing the aspirations which every family has for itself. And that's what unions actually provide.”

Every Friday until Earth Day next week, “The Ed Markey Podcast” will feature a new episode with a variety of climate champions—from lawmakers to youth organizers and environmental justice activists. “The Ed Markey Podcast” spotlights how the Green New Deal movement has transformed the United States’ national climate agenda by creating new union jobs, delivering long-overdue justice, and reducing dangerous pollution.

Senator Markey and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) recently unveiled a new report, “Five Years of the Green New Deal,” detailing what the Green New Deal means for good-paying clean jobs, environmental justice, and climate action, and providing a path forward for years to come.
