WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stands in partial shutdown and thousands of workers are furloughed, Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement denouncing the Republican’s decision to depart Washington D.C. for the month of August without passing a clean short-term extension bill for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
“It is outrageous that Republicans have recessed Congress without granting certainty to the small businesses and workers who rely upon the FAA for their livelihoods. In Massachusetts alone, this lack of action will cost the state 678 jobs, and almost $18 million in crucial funding for our airports. Unless Congress acts immediately, thousands of Americans across the country will be forced from their jobs and many small businesses will be left questioning their contracts. Additionally, each day a clean extension is delayed, our nation loses $30 million in revenue.
“Republican leadership should immediately bring up a clean extension of the FAA under unanimous consent to get people back to work and bring certainty to our small businesses.”

