WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), released the following reaction to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement on the U.S.-India nuclear cooperation agreement:

Rep. Markey said, “The Bush administration claims it is seeking nuclear cooperation, but in reality, the agreement it negotiated is ‘nuclear capitulation’ to India’s every wish. Prime Minister Singh’s comments today are yet another indication that this agreement does not comply with the law Congress wrote and passed last year, the Hyde Act, to condition and restrict any agreement. As currently drafted, this is a bad deal for our country and a damaging blow to non-proliferation efforts worldwide.

“Conceding to India reprocessing rights for US-origin material, agreeing to the creation of a strategic fuel reserve which would render toothless any termination of trade if India breaks the agreement, and refusing to explicitly bar Indian nuclear explosive testing are all inconsistent with the law and the intent of Congress. The Hyde Act is the law of the land, not a suggested guideline that can be dismissed for political expediency.

“Congress will have considerable time to dissect the details of this agreement since our final vote will not occur until after India has negotiated an India-IAEA safeguards agreement and secured a rule-change at the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Meanwhile, we must continue investigating the growing military and economic ties between India and Iran, which has concerned many members of Congress for some time. India will need to thoroughly disclose and detail its relationship with Iran before any agreement moves forward.”


August 13, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836