WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), reacted today to a statement from Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, recognizing that the massacres of Armenians between 1915-1918 “were indeed tantamount to genocide.” This issue came to a head last week when the director of the New England ADL region, Andrew H. Tarsy, was fired for officially recognizing the genocide, counter to the national organization’s policy. Prior to today’s announcement, Rep. Markey had urged the ADL to reconsider its decision and formally recognize the Armenian genocide. (earlier statement available here)

Rep. Markey said today, “In formally recognizing the Armenian genocide, the ADL has taken a substantive and significant step today, consistent with its longstanding efforts against prejudice, bigotry and hate. Simply put, ADL’s decision to recognize the reality of the Armenian genocide reflects the best traditions of the organization and its charter dedicated to securing justice and fair treatment for all people.

“I am a co-sponsor of the House resolution to recognize the Armenian genocide, and it is my hope that this resolution will pass and that it’s enactment will contribute to the process of rebuilding relations between Armenians and Turks and help heal the wounds from that dark period of history.”


August 21, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836