WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), former Chairman and current senior member of the telecommunications subcommittee, issued the following statement in reaction to the Google and Verizon net neutrality proposal announced today.


Today’s proposal leaves out essential elements that should be a part of FCC action to ensure a free and open Internet. The proposal does not apply its prohibition against blocking or slowing Internet traffic to wireless broadband services, for example, and it doesn’t mention the need to ensure consumers’ privacy online, a glaring omission as examples abound of companies tracking and targeting users’ every click. The proposal also calls for tying the Commission’s hands to protect consumers, foster innovation and investment and ensure fair competition and excludes safeguards for other unspecified or differentiated online services.  Rather than a proposal from two corporate giants, a public process at the FCC is needed to ensure the preservation of an unfettered Internet ecosystem that will continue to be an indispensable platform for innovation, investment, entrepreneurship, and free speech.”

Rep. Markey is the author of H.R. 3458, the Internet Freedom Preservation Act, introduced in July 2009 to ensure that as the Internet continues to evolve, it remains a level playing field guided by openness, competition, and the right to innovate without permission.


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