Transcripts show Chairman’s commitment to post-Fukushima nuclear safety measures, Jaczko encourages staff to voice any disagreements
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On October 13, 2011, four Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Commissioners wrote to White House Chief of Staff William Daley alleging that Chairman Jaczko “undermined the ability of the Commission to function as prescribed by law”. Massachusetts Congressman Edward J. Markey’s office has learned officials at the NRC Inspector General’s office were told that they should review Chairman Jaczko’s statements during a conference call on September 8, 2011 with NRC staff after the nuclear crisis at Fukushima as one example of such behavior on the part of the Chairman.
At today’s hearing, we heard a litany of complaints about the so-called intimidating manner in which Chairman Jaczko reportedly treats NRC staff. Instead of reliving the ‘he said, she said’, this transcript provides exactly what it was he did, in fact, say at one of the meetings they are reportedly citing.  The actual transcripts show a strong, committed safety leader who encourages NRC staff to freely express their views, even if they disagree with his,” said Rep. Markey, top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee and a senior member of the House Energy and Resources Committee.
In the transcript of the September 8th call, rather than “undermining” the Commission’s work, Chairman Jackzo repeatedly and explicitly encourages responsible dissent, disagreement, and discussion.  For example, at one point during the call, the Chairman states:
I welcome your non-concurrences.  I’m not telling you to non-concur.  I’m not telling you to think anything different than what you think.  I welcome what you think, but there just needs to be a reason.  And you need to be able to articulate it, because the Task Force deserves to know that, I deserve to know that, the Commission deserves to know, the American people deserve to know that.
At another point, the Chairman states:

I want to be absolutely clear.  I am—I will argue with you, and debate with all of you about everything.  And I expect you to do the same with me.  And I expect you to take positions—if you’re going to disagree with your Staff, I expect you to be able to articulate that, and articulate it to me, and articulate it to everyone.


At yet another point, the Chairman states:

I want to be absolutely clear, I will never, ever, ever have a problem with you disagreeing with me, ever.


The transcripts of this meeting can be found HERE .

The audio of this meeting can be found HERE.