Markey Urges Inclusion of Policies to Protect Consumers and Innovators, Preserve Openness of Internet in FCC Net Neutrality Order

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a longstanding proponent of net neutrality and author of the first ever net neutrality bill, sent a letter today to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genochowski and the FCC’s four Commissioners, co-signed by Representatives Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), Mike Doyle (D-Penn.), Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), and John Lewis (D-GA.), outlining policies that should be included in the Commission’s Open Internet Order to be considered at the FCC’s Open Meeting on December 21, 2010:

As the Order is finalized, we must ensure that it protects consumers, spurs investment and job creation, fosters innovation and promotes the free flow of ideas. The Internet’s rules of the road should not create electronic ‘E-Z Pass’ lanes only for those who can pay, leaving others stuck in traffic or limping along at a snail’s pace.

“I look forward to working with Chairman Genachowski, as well as with Commissioners Copps, Clyburn, McDowell and Baker as they consider the Chairman’s proposal, toward the goal of ensuring that the Internet’s openness and vitality is celebrated and safeguarded for all users for generations to come.”

In the letter, the Representatives point out several areas that merit particular Commission attention, including:

A non-discrimination requirement to ensure that businesses and consumers decide the winners and losers in the Internet ecosystem;
A common regulatory framework and rules for wired and wireless services;
Narrow “managed services” exceptions that do not infringe upon open Internet rules; and

Broad definition of broadband internet access services to cover all areas that affect services delivered to customers through the Internet.


A full copy of the letter can be found HERE .