WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, released the following statement in reaction to the Federal Communications Commission’s 3-2 vote to establish new cross-media ownership rules for broadcast and newspaper outlets:

“I am disappointed that the FCC did not give these media ownership proposals additional time for full review by the public and Congress. Further deliberation on these issues would have increased the chances of coming to a greater consensus on Chairman Martin’s plan, including possible agreement on additional proposals that could have better promoted diversity, localism, and competition in the media marketplace. I am particularly concerned about the process by which last minute waivers were granted to dozens of existing media combinations without public input.

“I am eager for the FCC to make concrete progress on minority media ownership issues and on promoting the historic value of localism in media policy early next year and intend to press the commission to take such action.

“Though I wish the chairman had given this issue more time and delayed today’s vote, I am encouraged by reports that the FCC appears to have addressed positively, in part, several areas of ambiguity in Chairman Martin’s original media ownership proposal. I intend to fully review the contents of the order the commissioners voted upon today.”

December 18, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836