WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), the dean of the New England Congressional Delegation, coordinated a letter, cosigned by 18 of his New England colleagues in the House of Representatives, calling for extension of federal unemployment benefits for out of work Americans and a one-time $250 payment to Social Security recipients:

As we enter the holiday season, Republicans in Washington have morphed into the Grinch, blocking unemployment benefits for Americans who have lost their jobs and denying seniors the money needed the help them make ends meet. They then turn around and try and play Santa Claus to millionaires and billionaires with tax breaks they don't need and we can't afford. It is incomprehensible to me that some of the same Republicans who would deny an extension of unemployment benefits or a $250 payment to Social Security recipients to help offset the lack of a cost-of-living increase have the audacity to advocate for extending tax breaks for the rich. We can’t leave our middle-class American families, our seniors, and some of our most vulnerable citizens out in the cold during these tough economic times.”

According to an analysis prepared by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means, more than 79,700 Massachusetts claimants could lose unemployment benefits if Congress fails to act. And roughly 1.1 million people in Massachusetts and nearly 120,000 people in the Seventh District receive a Social Security benefit.

For a copy of the letter, click HERE .
