Presses NRC to Address Disparities in Release Following Medical Isotope Treatment
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), Chairman of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee, today sent a letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Greg Jackzo for full comment on how NRC will address inconsistencies in regulations governing the safe release of pets and human patients following treatment with radioactive materials. The letter highlights the disparity in NRC regulations that provides cats and dogs with greater level of post treatment care and more restrictive guidelines for discharge than human beings, and calls on the Commission to revise its human patient release regulations. 

A full copy of the letter to NRC can found HERE .

The letter follows up on recent congressional analysis that highlights the potential dangers to public health from patients who have been released from the hospital after being treated with radioactive materials for cancers and other diseases. The investigative analysis, conducted by the staff of Rep. Markey highlights the need for increased oversight and regulation by NRC.

More information on the investigative analysis on safety concerns associated with radiation treatments can be found HERE .
