Washington, DC:  Today, Reps. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), respectively a senior member and incoming Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, released the following statements on the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) proposed rail security regulations: 

Markey said, “These proposed regulations do not go far enough to stop a mobile weapon of mass destruction from killing or injuring hundreds of thousands of Americans.  While proposing some basic and long overdue security measures for railcars full of toxic materials while they are being unloaded is a necessary step, we can’t just focus on what happens when the train gets to the end of the line. The reality is that while these shipments are en route traveling through densely populated areas, they represent an enormous terrorist threat.  Inexplicably, the Department of Homeland Security appears to have ignored all possible measures that could eliminate the risk of an attack on a toxic shipment traveling through Boston, Chicago or Las Vegas.”

Thompson stated, “I am glad to see that the Department has finally come aboard to join us in addressing this serious vulnerability, however, I am not convinced that all of the security gaps plaguing our current hazmat and passenger transit systems can be filled with this proposal. I am hopeful that we can work in partnership with the Administration to craft solutions that will fully secure our nation."

“In the next Congress, I will continue my efforts to mandate real security solutions for these shipments, including re-routing of extremely hazardous materials away from areas of concern, and a switch to safer chemicals or processes when it is technologically and economically feasible to do so.  We have already seen attacks on rail systems in Madrid, London and India - we simply cannot rely on half-measures such as the ones that have been proposed today. These toxic shipments are literally 'hell on wheels' and we require the security measures needed to guard against a deadly accident or attack,” Markey concluded. 

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December 15, 2006

CONTACT: Israel Klein