WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member and former chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications, Technology and the Internet Subcommittee, issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement that Comcast has agreed to purchase a majority ownership stake in NBC Universal:


This proposed deal raises significant questions about consumer choice and competition, innovation and investment in the media marketplace that merit close scrutiny by Congress, the FCC and the Justice Department,” said. Rep. Markey.

While the companies have determined that this merger advances their business interests, it is essential that the public interest is served.  As the author of the Internet Freedom Preservation Act to ensure network neutrality along with Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, I want to ensure that the combination of a major network operator and a large content owner does not open the door to discrimination on the Internet to the detriment of users. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the Administration on this important matter as the process moves forward.”

Rep. Markey served as chairman or ranking member of the subcommittee from 1987 to 2009, during which time he was a strong advocate for competition in the communications marketplace.






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