Legislation would build upon Biden administration’s effort to enact LGBTQI+ rights in U.S. foreign policy

Bill Text (PDF)

Washington (June 8, 2023) – As LGBTQI+ communities across the world gather to celebrate Pride Month, Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Representative Dina Titus (NV-01) today reintroduced the Greater Leadership Overseas for the Benefit of Equality (GLOBE) Act, legislation outlining a comprehensive vision for the United States to uphold and defend international LGBTQI+ rights. Specifically, the GLOBE Act would ensure equality and justice are critical components of U.S. foreign policy, reaffirm that the United States will not tolerate any discrimination, hatred, and violence against LGBTQI+ persons around the world, and develop assistance and immigration programs for LGBTQI+ individuals abroad. 

The legislation would also make permanent the office of the Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, which President Joe Biden established early in his term, as well as ensure that future administrations continue to uphold LGBTQI+ rights on the world stage by directing the State Department to document and respond to bias-motivated violence against LGBTQI+ people abroad and implement a comprehensive strategy to prevent and respond to criminalization, discrimination, and violence against LGBTQI+ people. The GLOBE Act also calls on the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish a permanent Senior LGBTQI+ Coordinator responsible for coordinating across the agency with respect to inclusive development programming.

“As LGBTQI+ people face rising discrimination here at home, we must use Pride Month as an opportunity to affirm our commitment to freedom and equality – regardless of gender or sexual orientation – for every person, from Utah to Uganda,” said Senator Markey. “Across the globe, LGBTQI+ people continue to be persecuted, jailed and murdered for simply expressing who they are or who they love. LGBTQI+ rights are human rights, and the GLOBE Act will empower the United States to protect the fundamental rights of freedom, equality, and justice for all people.”

“Across the world, LGBTQ+ communities face discrimination, imprisonment, violence and in extreme cases, the death penalty. These communities should be free to express who they are, love who they love and enjoy all the same basic human rights as anyone else,” said Senator Shaheen. “I am proud to support the GLOBE Act, legislation that would help to ensure LGBTQ+ communities are supported and granted equal protections regardless of where they live. This Pride month, we have the opportunity to save lives through meaningful, sustained action and I urge my colleagues to join us.”

“We are living in a time in which governments around the world continue to make dangerous threats against our LGBTQI+ family, friends, and neighbors,” said Senator Merkley, who is leading the push for the Equality Act in the U.S. Senate. “America cannot remain silent in the face of that discrimination and abuse. Every person—regardless of who they are, whom they love, or where they live—has the right to be treated with decency and respect. That’s why I’m urging my colleagues to join us in passing the GLOBE Act, to send a clear message that the United States is committed to defending these critical human rights.”

“I’m reintroducing this legislation because LGBTQ+ people around the world continue to face discrimination, bigotry, and violence, with Uganda’s tragic Anti-Homosexuality Act a recent and stark reminder,” said Representative Titus.“Watchdog organizations, advocacy groups, and international investigative bodies continually document hostility toward LGBTQ+ people in every part of the world. We must take this opportunity to lead by example and encourage other countries to do the same.”

“The fight for equality doesn’t stop at our borders, and our foreign policy should reflect that. Our bill will help our State Department better protect and defend LGBTQI+ rights around the world,” said Senator Schatz.

"Around the world – including in the United States – LGBTQ rights are under attack. If we want to be a global leader on human rights, then we have to stand up for those who are being persecuted simply for who they are. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing legislation that would help protect the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQ community worldwide,” said Senator Murphy.

Senators Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) are cosponsors.

Specifically, the GLOBE Act

  • Codifies the State Department Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons in law;
  • Calls on the Administrator of USAID to establish a permanent Senior LGBTQI Coordinator who will coordinate across the agency with respect to LGBTQI+ inclusive development programming;
  • Requires the State Department to document human rights abuses and discrimination against LGBTQI+ people around the world;
  • Restricts entry into the United States for foreign individuals responsible for abuse and murder of LGBTQI+ populations;
  • Ensures fair access to asylum and refugee programs for LGBTQI+ individuals;
  • Requires engagement with international organizations, including the United Nations and the World Bank, to protect international LGBTQI+ rights; and,
  • Protects the rights of U.S. LGBTQI+ citizens serving their countries overseas at diplomatic and consular posts.

The GLOBE Act is endorsed by Amnesty International USA, American Jewish World Service, Anti-Defamation League, Center for Biological Diversity, Council for Global Equality, Equality California, Equimundo, Foreign Policy for America, Gender Action, Heartland Alliance International, Human Rights Campaign, Ipas, MADRE, MPact Global Action, National Center for Transgender Equality, ORAM - Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration, Outright International, Oxfam America, Pathfinder International, PFLAG National, Rainbow Railroad, Silver State Equality, The Global Justice Institute, and The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights.

“The GLOBE Act provides a framework to protect and promote the rights of LGBTQ+ people worldwide, especially as members of our community are living in fear for their lives now more than ever," said David Stacy, Vice President of Government Affairs at the Human Rights Campaign. “As we see an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and uptick in violence against the LGBTQ+ community worldwide, the United States must make it clear that it stands with LGBTQ+ people. This is why we are grateful for Senators Markey, Merkley, and Shaheen and Representative Titus for acknowledging what’s at stake and seeking to make LGBTQ+ rights a core tenet of our foreign policy. Today’s legislation sends a clear message that the fight for equality doesn’t end at our borders, and that we must leverage all of our foreign policy tools to aggressively tackle all threats to LGBTQ+ dignity at home and abroad.” 

“The GLOBE Act authorizes new diplomatic tools to help the State Department and other U.S. foreign affairs agencies respond with greater speed, clarity, and intentionality to human rights abuses targeting LGBTQI+ individuals around the world. The current scramble to respond effectively to the unparalleled assault on the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals in Uganda today shows why the GLOBE Act is so important. It would allow us to deploy a stronger and more coordinated set of diplomatic, economic, security sector, and public diplomacy tools in our response to Uganda’s draconian new anti-homosexuality law – and to other human rights emergencies that strike LGBTQI+ communities with increasing frequency,” said Mark Bromley, co-chair of the Counsel for Global Equality.

In March, ahead of the Summit for Democracy, Senator Markey and Representative Robert Garcia (CA-42)reintroduced the International Human Rights Defense Act to affirm the U.S.’s role in protecting and promoting LGBTQI+ rights by making permanent the office of the Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, and by directing the State Department to document and respond to bias-motivated violence against LGBTQI+ people abroad while implementing a comprehensive strategy to prevent and respond to criminalization, discrimination and violence against LGBTQI+ people. During that same month, on International Transgender Day of Visibility, Senator Markey led colleagues in a letter urging President Biden to protect transgender people’s access to gender-affirming health care, protect them against violence and discrimination, and support health care providers facing threats of violence and limits on their ability to provide care. In May 2020, Senator Markey, a then-member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Representative Dina Titus (NV-01) led 45 lawmakers in calling on the State Department and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to take urgent action to protect the global LGBTQI+ population and other vulnerable communities that are being persecuted and discriminated against during the coronavirus pandemic.
