Contact: Giselle Barry (Markey) 2022242742

Eben BurnhamSnyder (Markey) 2022242742

Senator MarkeySenator Markey Congratulated the World Series Champion Boston Red Sox on the Senate Floor. Watch the video HERE

Washington (October 30, 2013) - Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.) released the following statement upon the Boston Red Sox's victory in game 6 to become 2013 World Series Champions.


"Behind the bat of Big Papi, the arms of Jon Lester and John Lackey, and the power of the beard, this remarkable Red Sox team took us from last in the division to first in the world.


"But for many of us in Massachusetts, this wasn't simply about baseball. Because on Patriots' Day this year, when the Red Sox play in the morning and Boston comes together for the day in celebration, evil visited our city at the Marathon.


"And while this team can't bring back the lives we lost, or heal the wounds inflicted, it has done what only the Red Sox could do: it reaffirmed our common bond in Massachusetts, in New England, and with Red Sox Nation fans everywhere. It gave us all the chance to raise our hands in triumph again, together, as one.


"This Red Sox team came back to win in dozens of games. They never gave up. They fought to the last pitch in every game.


"And in doing so, they gave us so much more than entertaining baseball. They gave us hope and something to cheer for during a time of deep sadness in our Commonwealth.


"Watching the celebrations tonight in and around Fenway and especially on Boylston Street just a few miles from the Marathon finish line reminds me of how proud I am to represent this great city and commonwealth in the U.S. Senate.


"The Sox team that won the World Series in 2004 brought an end to 86 years of disappointment. This year's Red Sox team allows us to celebrate again after months of mourning. And for that, I congratulate and thank the 2013 World Series Champion Red Sox."