WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) issued the following statement today upon the resignation of Hosni Mubarak as President of Egypt:  

I am glad that Hosni Mubarak has responded to the demands of the Egyptian people for democracy and stepped down as Egyptian President. I continue to support the Egyptian people’s demands for open elections at the earliest possible opportunity.

“I urge the Egyptian military and Vice President Omar Suleiman to work with the Egyptian people and international community in bringing about the peaceful transition to a fully open, participatory system without further bloodshed. I am encouraged by the Egyptian military’s announcement that it will end the state of emergency, bring about free and fair elections, and protect the Egyptians who demanded reforms. I hope that the Egyptian military maintains their public commitment to stand aside as this historic and peaceful transition towards a free democratic community demanded by the Egyptian people is completed. The safety and human rights of the peaceful protesters should be protected, and journalists should be allowed to carry out their work safely and with freedom of expression. The Internet and online communications helped to enable the historic non-violent protests undertaken by the Egyptian people, reaffirming the importance of preserving the openness and freedom of this critical medium.

“Egypt was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel and has continued to be an important source of stability for the Middle East. It is my hope that, regardless of the leadership chosen by the Egyptian people, Egypt will continue in the future to remain a positive force for peace in the region.

“As events continue in Egypt, United States citizens in Egypt or those contemplating travel to the country should continue to follow the instructions of the State Department and take the precautions recommended by our government.”

For more instructions from the State Department for Americans in Egypt or planning travel to the region, visit http://egypt.usembassy.gov/consular/travpubl.html
