MALDEN --- On Friday, January 27, 2011, Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), a senior member and former chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications, Technology and the Internet Subcommittee, was named 2011 Legislator of the Year by MassAccess, receiving the award in his hometown of Malden, MA at the group’s annual meeting.  MassAccess, the Massachusetts Chapter of the Alliance for Community Media, presented the award to Rep. Markey in honor of his efforts in preserving the mission of the Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Community Television.  Public, educational and government (PEG) channels permit schools, governments, individuals and groups to provide and receive information about local events, emergencies, and issues.

“I am honored to receive this award from MassAccess, and I look forward to continuing my work with them to promote and preserve Public, Education, and Government (PEG) access channels in theCommonwealth and across the country,” said Rep. Markey upon receiving the award. "PEG access stations are televised town squares where local citizens can see and hear what is happening in their own community, and respond with their own voices to the issues affecting their cities and towns. I have long admired the goals of education and participation heralded by these TV channels, and I will continue to support the work of these vital local resources."

“For 35 years, Ed Markey has supported the idea and ideals of community TV, and recently renewed his efforts by strongly endorsing the “Community Access Preservation Act”, said Robert S. Kelly, Chair of Mass Access and the Executive Director of NewTV, “and we wanted to show our collective appreciation of his words and deeds.”

In his remarks to the group, Rep. Markey spoke up for the urgent need to pass new legislation in order to insure the permanent preservation of PEG access cable TV channels across the country. In closing, Markey reminded the audience that “you can’t beg for freedom you have to take it, fight for it”, just as he vowed to fight to get the Community Access Preservation Act passed this year.

The Community Access Preservation Act responds to issuesinvolving PEG TV channels, including:

  • Allowing PEG fees to be used for any PEG-related purposes;
  • Requiring PEG channels to be carried in the same manner as local broadcast channels;
  • Requiring the FCC to study the effect state video franchise laws have had on PEG channels, and requiring operators to provide the greater of the support required under state laws, or the support historically provided for PEG; and
  • Making cable television-related laws and regulations applicable to all landline video providers.

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 Jan 28, 2011: Bob Kelly, Chair of MassAccess, presenting award to Congressman Markey










 Jan 28, 2011: Bob Kelly, Chair of MassAccess, presenting award to Congressman Markey


 Jan 28, 2011: Congressman Markey receiving "Legislator of the Year" award from MassAccess, Chapter of the Alliance for Community Media. left to right, Bob Kelly, Chairman of MassAccess Board of Directors, Congressman Markey, and Ron Cox, Executive Director.