WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), dean of the Massachusetts congressional delegation, released the following statement in response to House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers’s announcement of a partial list of spending cuts that will be included in an upcoming Continuing Resolution (CR) spending bill:

“Reducing the deficit is important, and in a trillion dollar budget there are some programs that are duplicative or no longer needed. Republicans have said that they aren’t just going after the low-hanging fruit – that is true. They’re actually chopping down the whole tree, ripping up all the roots and running the entire thing through the wood chipper.

“We shouldn’t be trying to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors and struggling middle-class families while millionaires and billionaires line their pockets with tax breaks.

“Fiscal responsibility must be a priority as we rebuild our economy and focus on our #1 priority - creating jobs, but Draconian cuts that decimate our ability to cure cancer, prevent disease, keep our food safe, end our dangerous reliance on foreign oil and create clean energy jobs are unacceptable.”
