WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee--one of three committees with jurisdiction over health care policy, today hailed the release of over $2.9 million for Massachusetts to increase physical activity, improve nutrition, decrease obesity, and decrease smoking as part of the Economic Recovery Act. The funding is part of a $119 million announcement made by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The ounce of prevention these funds will provide will be worth millions of dollars in cure,” said Rep. Markey.  He added, “The cheapest medical bill is the one you don’t have to pay because you didn’t get sick in the first place.”

 “For too long, our country has had a sick-care system, treating people when they have ailments, rather than a health care system that promotes wellness and disease prevention. I commend HHS for its efforts to help communities and schools support healthy choices to keep Americans happy and healthy.

  “To achieve this goal, our nation needs a dose of C.P.R. - Coverage, Prevention, and Research- to curb the epidemic of obesity and chronic disease. We must expand Coverage to ensure that all Americans have access to high quality, affordable health coverage. We must invest in Prevention. And finally, we need Research to harvest cures and better treatments for devastating diseases like cancer.”

 These critical HHS funds will be used to invest in vital wellness and prevention programs across the Commonwealth. The funding will help improve access to healthy food options and opportunities for physical activity across the Commonwealth. The funding will also help support tobacco cessation programs. Obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S.

  The funding will go to three separate prevention and wellness initiatives, including support for policy and environmental change efforts to promote healthy nutrition, physical activity, and tobacco control, funding for tobacco cessation help lines and media programs, and programs to increase restrictions on retail and outdoor advertising of tobacco products.

Through his work on reforming our nation’s health care system, Rep. Markey has promoted expanding Medicaid coverage for tobacco cessation programs for all Medicaid recipients, so that all those who wish to quit smoking will have the tools to do so.


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