H.R. 4462 Allows Taxpayers to Claim Charitable Deduction in 2009 for Haiti Relief

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), today hailed the passage of H.R. 4462, legislation that would allow individuals who make charitable contributions to victims of the earthquake in Haiti to claim an itemized charitable deduction on their 2009 tax return instead of having to wait until next year to claim these deductions on their 2010 tax return.  The legislation, which passed unanimously, also includes a provision allowing those who text messaged a donation the ability to use a phone bill as proof of donation.


I commend my colleagues in the House for coming together to unanimously support this important bill,’ said Markey. “I am incredibly grateful to all of the Americans who are making selfless contributions to help Haiti recover from this disaster and am confident this resolution will motivate even more support in the coming days and weeks. All donations, large and small, are helping to provide crucial necessities for this relief effort.” 

I continue to do everything in my power to assist the Haitian people as they recover and rebuild from this disaster.  I encourage my constituents to contact my Medford District Office if they are looking for information on loved-ones who were living or travelling in Haiti during the earthquake.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the many people of Haiti, to the Haitian-Americans living in the United States and to all those who have been affected by this devastating tragedy.”


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