Debate is about “Health Care vs. Don’t Care” Says Lawmaker

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and Dean of the Massachusetts congressional delegation, today spoke against the Republicans’ “Don’t Care” legislation to repeal the health care law enacted last year.

The health care law is already helping seniors afford their medications and stay out of the hospital. But Republicans don’t care about Grandma – they want to take back the drug benefits provided to seniors last year. Grandma and Grandpa would no longer be eligible for free preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies that keeps them healthy and out of the emergency room,” said Markey.

Instead of working to secure our seniors’ futures, Republicans have spent the first week in the majority working to repeal the new healthcare law and make millions of seniors pay back money for lifesaving medications, all while threatening to privatize and cut Social Security benefits, just as they tried to do under President Bush.

“GOP used to stand for ‘Grand Old Party.’ With its repeal effort, GOP really stands for ‘Grandma’s Out of Prescriptions,’” Rep. Markey said.

Last year, as a result of this part of the Affordable Care Act, over 50,000 Medicare beneficiaries in Massachusetts – and millions more across the country – received a $250 rebate to help pay for their prescription drugs.

Beginning this year those who hit that coverage gap will be eligible for a 50% discount on drugs purchased in the donut hole as a result of the new healthcare law. The Republican legislation would terminate these rebates and discounts.



Full remarks can be found at
