WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Malden) today released the following statement in reaction to President Bush’s Inaugural Address:

“President Bush today was eloquent and forthright about the threat of terrorism to freedom, but less successful in describing the threat to the jobs and economic welfare of Americans from enormous deficits, outsourcing, poverty and governmental indifference.

“His pledge to try to heal national divisions is welcome, but he is repeating a pledge that is now four years old. At this point, he will be judged on his deeds, not his words.

“His determination to bring freedom to the entire globe reflects deep-rooted American idealism, but is disturbingly unreflective of reality in Iraq. America is the only remaining Superpower, but we are not Superman. It is my hope that when President Bush says that our own freedoms depend on the success of freedom in other lands, he intends to work harder to win and keep the support of the international community for our mutual goals.

"Thousands of Americans and Iraqis have lost their lives because of a poorly conceived, poorly supported attempt to take nuclear weapons away from a dictator who we had reason to believe had no weapons at all.

“While President Bush's rhetoric emphasized freedom and liberty, the results produced by his administration have failed to fulfill the needs of millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet during these challenging economic times.

“The president said very little about the economic welfare of America. Thousands of people cheered his stirring words, but millions of Americans need jobs to feed their families. Sometimes it seems as if this President, in his determined efforts to recast the mistaken war in Iraq, loses sight of the economic uncertainly facing his own people.

"I hope that his State of the Union speech strikes a more appropriate balance in this regard."

January 20, 2005
 CONTACT: Mark Bayer