MEDFORD, MA. –Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Malden), along with Representative Niki Tsongas (D-Lowell), introduced in the House of Representatives H. Res. 599, a resolution to recognize the 50th anniversary of the creation of Minuteman National Historical Park.  Fifty years ago, on September 21, 1959, the United States Congress voted to preserve more than 1,000 acres of land in the communities of Lexington, Concord and Lincoln, in honor of the first events and courageous acts of the American Revolutionary War, which occurred on that land. 


Rep. Markey said, “As we prepare to celebrate the 4th of July holiday in honor of the birth of our Nation, it is fitting to also honor the place where the first American Patriots sacrificed their lives and well-being for the sake of our fledgling democracy.  Those of us alive today to experience the joys of freedom will be forever indebted to the men and women whose resolve made them heroes in the early battles of the Revolutionary War.  People from all over the world are inspired by America’s singular story of independence, and that story began at the sites in Minuteman National Historical Park.  The “shot heard ‘round the world” was fired from these sacred grounds, and Paul Revere delivered his message that the “British are coming” all along his historic midnight ride.

"I am deeply honored to represent the Minuteman National Historical Park in my district.  It will forever be a symbol of the American Revolution, and of the greatness that a nation whose ideals honor life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, can achieve.”

"Minuteman National Historical Park was created so that current and future generations of Americans can learn about the important role this site played in the birth of our nation," said Congresswoman Tsongas.  "For fifty years now, millions of visitors have come to the park to see first hand where the American Revolution began and to pay tribute to a group of ordinary citizens whose bravery and beliefs gave rise to the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy today." 

"Earlier this year, the House of Representatives approved legislation which I introduced, and which was cosponsored by the entire Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, to include historic Barrett's Farm our as part of Minute Man National Park.  Barrett's Farm is where the Colonial Militia hid their arms and was the impetus behind the British march on Concord and Lexington.  Its inclusion in the Park will contribute even further to visitors' appreciation of the historic events of April 1775, and ensures that an important piece of Massachusetts' rich revolutionary history will be permanently protected.  I am pleased that this legislation is now law and that we are able to honor the Park's 50th anniversary with this resolution."

H. Res. 599 was introduced by Reps. Markey and Tsongas in the House on June 26, 2009.