Over 33,000 MA Residents Would Lose Benefits if Bill Does Not Become Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), the dean of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, today voted to stand with American families and extend unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who have lost their jobs. Republicans in the Senate blocked these benefits for more than 7 weeks, causing 2.5 million American families to lose the benefits they earned. The legislation passed the Senate yesterday evening, and it will be sent today to President Obama for his signature into law.

This critical legislation will provide much-needed relief to millions of hardworking Americans who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own” said Markey. “Never before has America turned its back on millions of American families as they struggled to make ends meet with this level of unemployment, and we should not start now.

Despite continued Republican obstruction, today we have managed to pass this critical bill and extend a lifeline to thousands of Bay State residents who need a helping hand as they look for a new job.

According to an analysis prepared by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means, over 33,000 Massachusetts claimants could lose unemployment benefits if this measure did not become law.

This bill extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Extended Benefits programs through November 30, 2010 and retroactively restores benefits to some people who already lost theirs.  President Obama is expected to sign the measure within days.


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