New Figures Show over 1,400 Jobs Were Funded in the Second Quarter

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today announced new figures from the federal government’s quarterly report of Recovery Act-funded jobs. According to the figures, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act helped to fund jobs for 1,464 individuals in Rep. Markey’s district--representing over 500 full time equivalent jobs--and a total of $27.7 million of Recovery Act funding was allocated to the District in the last quarter.

“These latest figures just confirm what we already know: That the Recovery Act is putting people back to work and helping to rescue our economy, which was driven into a ditch by eight years of failed economic policies under President Bush,” said Markey. “While we are not out of the woods yet, these latest numbers show that the Recovery Act is working for families and small businesses in the 7th District.”

 More than $475 million in Recovery Act funding has been awarded to Massachusetts-based institutions doing critical work to bring new clean energy technologies to market, creating 445 new jobs through March 31, 2010. Companies in Rep. Markey’s district like Medford-based Agrivida, 1366 Technologies in Lexington, and A123 Systems in Watertown are using Recovery Act funds to develop the technologies that will change the way the world generates and uses energy.

 All told, over 26,000 individuals were at work in Massachusetts in the last quarter thanks to the Recovery Act, according to the Massachusetts Recovery and Reinvestment Office.

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