THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY -- Obama Administration Highlights Importance of Investing in Next Generation of Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fields
Washington D.C. – Building on President Obama’s efforts to help more students excel in math and science and his call in the State of the Union address for investments in a skilled American workforce, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Massachusetts Congressman Edward Markey announced today that Lexington High School from Lexington, MA, won the Massachusetts High School Science Bowl on Saturday. Lexington High School competed against 30 other teams from across the state in one of the nation’s regional competitions of the 22nd Annual U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl, and is now eligible to compete in the National Finals in Washington, D.C., at the end of April. The National Science Bowl brings together thousands of middle and high school students from across the country to compete on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, astronomy, and math.
“Congratulations to the students at Lexington High School – some of America’s future leaders in the science, technology, engineering and math fields,” said Energy Secretary Chu. “Through the National Science Bowl, we’re challenging today’s students and ensuring that America stays competitive in a rapidly advancing world.”
"Just as the Minutemen from Lexington led America towards liberty in 1775, this generation of Lexington High School students are poised to lead the nation towards a future of innovation, competitiveness, and technological advancement,” said Congressman Markey.  “My congratulations to Lexington High School and the remarkable students and teachers who clearly know the formula for success. I'll be cheering for the Minutemen at the National Science Bowl!"
The Department of Energy (DOE) created the National Science Bowl in 1991 to encourage students to excel in mathematics and science and to pursue careers in these fields. More than 200,000 students have participated in the National Science Bowl throughout its 21 year history, and it is the nation’s largest science competition.
Over the next several months, more than 9,000 high school students and 4,500 middle school students will compete in 69 high school and 45 middle school regional Science Bowl tournaments.  Students, in teams of four or five, compete in a fast-paced Jeopardy-style format where they solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math.  Most teams are coached by teachers from the students’ schools and spend several months preparing for the regional competitions.  Many states have one regional or statewide Science Bowl competition, while larger states, such as California and Texas, hold several regional competitions across their states.
Lexington High School competed against 30 other teams in the state. Students from Lexington High School will be awarded an all-expense paid trip to the National Finals in Washington, D.C., which are scheduled for April 26-30, 2012. The regional tournaments, which host 15-50 teams, are sponsored by federal agencies, national laboratories, institutions of education, and non-profit organizations.
DOE’s Office of Science manages the competition. More information about these events is available on the National Science Bowl website: