WINTHROP, MA.- Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden) was in Winthrop on Saturday, meeting with Winthrop Town Manager Jim McKenna to discuss plans for the town’s waterfront revitalization project (see photo below). Rep. Markey has already secured federal funding for the Winthrop Ferry project, which will enable Winthrop residents to commute into Boston without sitting in traffic. The ferry project will also create construction jobs in the near term and permanent jobs going forward. 


Rep. Markey with Winthrop Town Manager Jim McKenna

 Markey and McKenna discussed ways to help revitalize the Winthrop waterfront area through a harbor walk and a public pier. The public harbor walk would be located adjacent to a new mixed-use private development consisting of housing, restaurants, and retail space. 

I am pleased to see the enormous progress being made on the revitalization of the Winthrop waterfront,” said Markey. “I look forward to working with Town Manager Jim McKenna and Speaker DeLeo on the continued efforts to develop the Winthrop Ferry project and to revitalize the waterfront area.”