For Immediate Release March 11, 2009
Contact: Daniel Reilly 202-225-2836
Subcommittee members discuss path to Copenhagen with UN’s top diplomat 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Environment today led a closed-door briefing with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Markey and a bipartisan group of panel members discussed domestic energy and climate legislation and the role of the United States in the upcoming UN climate change negotiations in Copenhagen this December.

“I was honored to welcome Secretary-General Ban to the subcommittee to discuss the challenges facing all nations of the world in addressing global climate change,” said Rep. Markey.

“Secretary-General Ban’s appearance before the Subcommittee today underscores the fact that the whole world is watching what Congress is doing to draft legislation to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.  We had a very productive discussion, where Secretary-General Ban emphasized the crucial role of U.S. leadership both on domestic action and the international stage in working towards a successful negotiation in Copenhagen this December.”

Secretary-General Ban has been the highest official at the United Nations since 2007. Before assuming that role, he had a long and distinguished career serving his home country of South Korea. In September of 2007, he convened 70 heads of state and top officials from 150 countries—the largest gathering of world leaders ever to address climate change.

The head of twin climate and energy panels in the House, Markey and fellow members of the Energy and Commerce Committee are currently drafting climate change legislation.


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