WASHINGTON, D.C.– Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), a senior Democratic Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following remarks in response to record high gasoline prices announced today, despite the steady price of crude.  CNN reports that gas prices jumped 11 cents in two weeks, rising to $2.35 for a gallon of gasoline on average.

“The fact is that the Bush Energy policy is in a shambles.  Gasoline prices are symptomatic of this Administration’s colossal failure to set any requirements for fuel economy in our transportation fleet. 

“The driving season has not yet begun and gas prices are already through the roof.  The President has done more to address the energy crisis in India than he has to address the crunch consumers here in the United States are feeling from the insane price of gas.

“America is ready for a simple step-by-step program to end America’s addiction on foreign oil and it is time for the President to embrace real action to:

  • Set a national goal of ending U.S. Dependence on Middle East Oil Imports within ten years
  • Increase the Fuel Economy of our cars and SUVs to 40 miles per gallon over the next 10 years.
  • Mandate that all vehicles are capable are running on gasoline, ethanol, or a combination of both by 2015
  • Mandate that 25% of all residential and commercial energy be generated by renewable sources by 2020.

“The President needs to put an end to his hollow promises and take action to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, the future of the United States depends on it.” 

Representative Edward J. Markey has introduced the “Fuel Security and Consumer Choice Act,” legislation designed to promote the use of alternative fuels and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil by mandating that within ten years all cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in the United States be flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) – capable of running on gasoline, ethanol, or a combination of both. The bill would also gradually phase-out the so-called “dual fuels loophole,” which gives CAFÉ credits to automakers who produce FFVs to ensure that we do not inadvertently hurt our overall fuel economy standards as a result of the new mandate.

For more information on Rep. Markey’s opposition to the Energy bill check out: http://markey.house.gov/

March 13, 2006


CONTACT: Tara McGuiness
Morgan Gray
