Lawmaker is Author of Mandate Requiring National Broadband Plan 

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), author of the requirement in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that directed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to develop a National Broadband Plan, today issued the following statement after media reports detailed aspects of the plan:


The National Broadband Plan will unleash a tidal wave of new investment and innovation,” said Markey. “Broadband is essential infrastructure for the 21st Century, enabling us to compete in the global economy, save money on electricity bills and create good-paying jobs.”

“This plan will lower and remove barriers to new competition in services, networks, and devices.  And it will enable state-of-the-art, high speed access to educational opportunities, improved health care, increased energy efficiency, and other national priorities.  To effectively compete for the jobs of the future and drive economic growth here at home, America needs this National Broadband Plan to be fully implemented.

“Although the importance of broadband has increased, the United States has lagged behind in broadband adoption, falling to 15th in the world by some estimates.  The Plan is just the type of comprehensive, compelling roadmap that our country needs to catch up. When America has a plan, America can lead the world. 

“The National Broadband Plan positions our country to lead in this vital area, and I am pleased that the Commission has produced such as visionary, far-reaching plan with specific strategies and goals to help our country compete and win in the fiercely competitive global economy.”

“This is not just a plan, but a roadmap to our broadband future. A future in which we consume less energy, improve the quality of health care with electronic medical records and ensure that every American has access to the tools they need to succeed.”

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