WASHINGTON (March 24, 2011) – Responding to a report from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Inspector General’s office stating that at least 24 defects in components of nuclear reactors that could cause a substantial safety hazard, as well as 11 additional defective components went unreported, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee and a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee issued the following statement:
This troubling study by the NRC’s Inspector General raises serious questions about the self-policing allowed at nuclear facilities with regard to reporting of safety concerns. While there are no specific examples listed in the report, it is apparent that confusion and omissions regarding the reporting of defects at nuclear facilities are commonplace.
“I will be seeking further answers from the NRC and its Inspector General office regarding these potential public safety hazards, and will pursue remedies to ensure full transparency and clarity in safety monitoring and reporting