Wilderness designation would protect pristine American public lands


WASHINGTON (March 23, 2015) - Today, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and 29 of his Senate colleagues sent a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell commending the Obama administration and the Interior Department’s actions to protect the iconic Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This January, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Interior Department recommended wilderness protection for the Coastal Plain and other areas within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the Refuge’s new Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Senator Markey and his Senate colleagues pledge to continue working to advance the Congressional action needed to fully protect the Arctic Refuge. Senator Markey has long advocated for wilderness designation for the Arctic Refuge.


The Senators’ letter comes as the Senate begins consideration of the budget. In past years, oil companies and their allies in Congress have unsuccessfully sought to use budgetary maneuvers to approve legislation to open the Arctic Refuge to drilling. 


“The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a place with wilderness values that are unmatched by nearly any other public lands in America. This extraordinary area belongs to all Americans and we strongly support the Department’s recommendation that the Coastal Plain and other important areas be designated as wilderness so that the Refuge can be protected for future generations. We will continue to work to achieve the Congressional action needed to support your recommendation to ensure that the Arctic Refuge can be protected forever,” the Senators wrote.


The full letter can be found HERE.


In addition to Markey, the letter was signed by Senators Cantwell, Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Murray, Leahy, Whitehouse, Cardin, Blumenthal, Sanders, Boxer, Bennet, Merkley, Heinrich, Klobuchar, Franken, Warren, Murphy, Stabenow, Booker, Baldwin, Reed, Schatz, Sherrod Brown, Hirono, Peters, Tester, Udall, Wyden


Congressman Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) and Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Penn.) led a bipartisan letter to Secretary Jewell that was signed by 78 House members. 


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