Lawmaker to outline actions to address Republican “Drill Here, Send There, Pay More” agenda, OPEC manipulations
WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 21, 2011) – With the price of regular gasoline now averaging $3.57 per gallon across the United States and dear pushing crude oil prices to $106 per barrel, escalating gas prices are threatening recent gains in America’s economic recovery. Republicans are calling for military action against Iran with the threat of even higher prices if the Strait of Hormuz closes, yet everyday Americans continue to experience pain at the pump well before the summer driving season begins. House Republicans continue to promote energy policies that would export America’s natural gas and oil products while blocking efforts to end billions in unneeded subsidies for oil companies.
Tomorrow, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden) will outline a strategy to deploy the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to provide short-term relief from rising gas prices. Additionally, Rep. Markey will push for an end to 100-year old tax breaks for oil companies, and for a strategy that moves America toward clean energy solutions and away from foreign oil.
WHAT: Press conference pushing strategy to address rising gas prices
WHO: Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden), Ranking Member, Natural Resources Committee and senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee
WHEN: Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 2 PM
WHERE: Medford Gas, 85 Main Street, Corner of Main Street and South Street, Medford, MA
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