Congressman Released Draft Bill Last Month, Queried DOJ on Handling of Mobile Information in July

WASHINGTON (September 4, 2012) -- Hackers working under the infamous group called Anonymous have released what they allege is 1 million device identifiers for Apple users of devices like the iPhone and iPad, which the group says was stolen from the laptop of an FBI cybersecurity agent. Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today expressed deep concern about the prospect of such a massive breach of security, and called for an expedited process in Congress to consider his “Wireless Surveillance Act of 2012” legislation that would require more transparency from law enforcement officials about their capture and storage consumers’ private digital data. More information on that legislation can be found HERE.
In July, Rep. Markey also sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking about the agency handles, administers, and disposes of the information received from mobile phone carriers. More information on that request can be found HERE.
“Additional investigation into this reported breach is needed to get to the bottom of the claims made by this hacker group. Still, it would be a mistake to allow this recent incident to pass without reexamining and recommitting ourselves to dealing with this vital personal privacy and protection issue,” said Rep. Markey. “While engaged in their efforts to protect and serve the public, law enforcement must protect their servers and computers that contain any personal data about Americans. This report also raises questions about why the FBI had this information in the first place.”
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