Washington (August 1, 2013) - After today's Senate confirmation of Samantha Power to be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's International Development Subcommittee, released the following statement:


"I wholeheartedly support Samantha Power's confirmation as United States Ambassador to the United Nations. As our voice at the U.N., Samantha will be a strong, skillful representative for our country.  I know that she will effectively engage her counterparts around the world and work collaboratively to address the great challenges facing our planet.  Throughout her career, Samantha has worked to build a better world for all of us - one that is more just, humane and fair for all people.  Her dedication to the cause of international human rights and ending the scourge of genocide wherever it surfaces is inspirational. Samantha has shined a light on the worst of human rights violations, and in doing so, has given voice to countless people throughout the world who often suffer in silence. She has worked effectively to promote justice and will bring experience and credibility to this critical position.  I am pleased to call Samantha my friend, and it will be great to have a member of Red Sox Nation representing us at the United Nations."