Congressman is author of mandate requiring National Broadband Plan
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), author of the requirement in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that directed the Federal Communications Commission to develop a National Broadband Plan, today released the following statement after the Obama administration issued an Executive Order to expand broadband along federal roadways and properties.
“Broadband is the lifeblood of America’s 21st century economy, bringing with it opportunities for our citizens to communicate and participate, for businesses to compete, and for our students to access educational resources that otherwise would be out of reach. Today’s announcement by the administration will literally pave the way for broadband infrastructure to connect our great nation from sea to shining sea. I’ve always believed that we should work smarter, not harder, and today’s decision does just that, making more efficient use of federal lands and roadways to deploy broadband. As a result, our highways will become home to the best kind of traffic – Internet traffic.  I applaud the Obama administration for this effort to ensures that all Americans have access to broadband and the benefits of being connected.
“Additionally, ‘U.S. Ignite’ partnership will create hotbeds of innovation, developing the applications that will help us consume less energy, improve the quality of health care, and drive entrepreneurial activity.
