Today's Commerce Committee hearing focuses on Markeyauthored "ERate" program, which brings Internet access to nation's schools and libraries


Washington, D.C. - Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.) today began his service on the Commerce, Science and Transportation, Foreign Relations and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees.


"I am honored to serve on these three important committees and I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to provide strong and effective leadership for the people of Massachusetts and all Americans,"said Markey.  "Massachusetts is an international innovation hub and our state's business plan relies on a safe, stable global community. I plan to help foster the Commonwealth's innovation economy to encourage job growth and global competitiveness in the 21st century. I thank Leader Reid for the opportunity to serve on these committees."


"I'm thrilled to welcome Senator Markey to the Commerce Committee. He brings thirtyseven years of experience in the House, where he became renowned for his tough but fair approach to consumer protection issues," said Commerce Committee Chair Jay Rockefeller (DW.Va.). "Senator Markey shares my commitment to making sure consumers have more control over their personal information. And he shares my deep commitment to bring the power of technology to all students through ERate. We know this is one of the best chances they have to compete in the growing global economy. I look forward to partnering with Senator Markey to advance these issues, and so many more, that will make life better for millions of Americans now and in the future."


"I welcome Senator Markey to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee," said Chair Robert Menendez (DN.J.). "He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge from his years of service in the House of Representatives that will serve him and this committee well as we pursue our national security interests around the globe."


"As Chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, I welcome Senator Ed Markey to the Committee," said Small Business Committee Chair Mary L. Landrieu (DLa.). "He will be a great team member to help ensure all small businesses have access to capital, contracting, and counseling.  I look forward to working with such a dedicated individual who fights for America's entrepreneurs."


As a member of the House of Representatives, Senator Markey served on the Natural Resources and Energy and Commerce Committees for the entirety of his 37 years in the House. On the Natural Resources Committee, he most recently served as Ranking Member. On the Energy and Commerce Committee, he served as Chairman or Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance for 25 years. Senator Markey also served as the Chairman of Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, and as a senior member on the Homeland Security Committee.