Lawmaker sends letters to determine awareness, monitoring and reporting of asbestos hazards in schools


Washington (March 31, 2015) – Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) today sent letters to governors of all 50 states inquiring about implementation of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), legislation passed in 1986 to protect students, teachers and other employees from the dangers of asbestos hazards in schools. In the letter, the Senators ask questions about the scope of asbestos hazards, awareness and monitoring of hazards, abatement efforts, notification to parents and staff, and reporting to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


“As implementation of this law approaches the twenty year mark, the extent of asbestos hazards remaining in schools across the nation is largely unknown,” write the Senators in the letters. “We think it is an appropriate time to assess how the law is being implemented in each states and whether any legislative or other reforms are needed.”


A copy of the letters sent to all 50 Governors can be found HERE.


Senator Markey is the top Democrat on the Superfund, Waste Removal and Regulatory Oversight subcommittee. Senator Boxer is ranking member of the Environment and Public Words Committee.

